Conversion – A Wrong Word

The thought, “the Christians convert the non-Christians” has been etched in the hearts of those who are not Christians. 
And they fear of the Christians around them. 
They are so cautious about the Christian’s talk in their work place, when they hear: 
Can I share a word for you?” 
They are so alarmed when their child makes a Christian friend in school and warn: 
Mere Beta, don’t listen to any Jesus’s stuff.” 
They are so careful in letting their ears to a Christian neighbor who always says: 
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus..” 
Dear Non-Christian friend, 
Are you one of them? 
Please don’t be scared of Christians. 
We don’t convert you. 
Yes, we don’t. 
That’s not our business. 
We are not born to chase you into Christianity. 
We have a lot of other stuffs to accomplish in life like you do. 
We all have one life on earth. (Hebrews 9:27) 
We all have dreams, passions and goals just like you have in life, don’t you? 
We are also human beings. Please don’t look at us weird and neglect to treat us humanly. 
Now, you can ask me; Then, why do you talk about Jesus to everyone you see? 
Hey friend, that’s a good question which I would like to answer. 
We, Christians don’t talk or say about Jesus. 
We SHARE about Jesus with you. 
Because God loved us so much that He sent His only Son Jesus to the world to die for our sins and redeem us from the sinful world and take us to heaven and give us the eternal life (John 3:16) once we close our eyes on earth permanently.” 
Jesus has risen from the death and He lives again and He will come back soon to take us along with Him to Heaven (Revelation 22:12).” 
Isn’t that a good news worthy to be shared? 
Don’t you feel privileged to hear about the One who died to save you? 
Are you not happy to know the truth that Jesus can set you free from all your guilt and sins? 
Added to that, do you know that Jesus can heal, deliver, redeem and bless you? 
Now, please tell me my friend, 
Won’t you share Jesus with others if you know this truth about Him? 
Won’t you share about this good friend who gave his life for you? 
If you are still stubborn and say, “No”, 
Let me ask you a question. 
Haven’t you shared with someone about: 
1. a restaurant that provides best food at a friendly cost? 2. a budget-friendly shop nearby? 3. a decent apartment house for rent? 4. a good mobile application that solved your problem? 5. a good hospital with best doctors & staff? 6. a good pediatrician for their child? 7. the car you bought? 8. the saree you draped at your cousin’s wedding? 
If you could share these, how come you keep your mouth shut when you know the way to the Eternal life? 
We, Christians know the truth. Because the Holy Bible (the true God’s word) says it so. 
Jesus Himself has said in Matthew 14:6, 
I am the way, the truth and the life.” 
We, Christians share about Jesus. 
We don’t convert. 
However, nobody can convert anyone or anything. 
Sounds crazy? 
Yes, conversion is a natural process. In other words, it is a SELF-PROCESS. 
Neither I can convert you nor you can convert me. 
Changing into a brand new Christian needs God’s involvement. It is the Lord’s doing with your acceptance. 
1.  The process of changing or causing something to change from one form to another. 
2. A change in the form of a quantity, a unit or an expression without a change in the value. 
Since, you come to Church and not go to a temple doesn’t make you a Christian. 
It requires the inner change at the cost of your firm decision to follow Christ. 
If you want to know more, I kindly request you to buy the Holy Bible and read it. 
I am sure that you won’t regret thereafter. 
(I was inspired to write this post by an unfamiliar non-Christian lady who popped out with a sentence, “Christian bride is fine for my son but we don’t get converted into Christians.”) 
Important note: We, Christians not just share about Jesus with non-Christians. We also share Jesus with Christians as well. We share about the good things He has done for us, we share about his mighty works and we share about the tests that we have gone through and how we have been made into testimonies for His glory. You will be knowing about this more, once you enter into this amazing Christian Fellowship. 
God bless you!

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