“There are many of us that are willing to do great things for the Lord, but few of us are willing to do little things.” Dwight L. Moody

D.L. Moody Quotes
DL Moody on Small Things

As children of God, we always seek to do great wonders and miracles and shine for God like Moses, Joshua, Elijah and Elisha. But do we know that they were faithful in little things before they were mightily used by God?

We are over-whelmed to know that Joseph was made in-charge of Pharaoh’s palace (Genesis 41:40). But are we aware that Joseph was a faithful servant as a slave in his master Potiphar’s house, guarding his holiness (Genesis 39:1-12)? Do we know that he was loyal even when he was kept in the prison and executed his responsibilities faithfully there (Genesis 39:20-23)?

We are excited to know how Moses led the Israelites working wonders and miracles for forty years (Acts 7:36). But do we perceive how Moses was devoted to his education, learning all the wisdom on the Egyptians until he was forty and how he remained serene in the Midianite wilderness for the next forty years, rearing his father-in-law’s sheep (Acts 7:22-31)?

We are thrilled to know how Joshua, the servant of God helped the Israelites to divide the promised land (Joshua 24:29). But do we know that Joshua from his youth remained the servant of Moses until and even after the death of Moses, assisting him and not departing from the tabernacle (Exodus 33:11)?

It stirs our thoughts to know that David became the king all over Israel (2 Samuel 5:3). But are we sensitive to the fact that David carefully watched over his father’s few sheep ready to even swap his life for the sheep when a lion and a bear came to attack them, where nobody else had an eye on him (1 Samuel 17:28-27)?

It is enthusiastic to know that Elisha received double portion of the spirit of Elijah (2 Kings 2:9). But are we conscious to the fact that Elisha just remained as Elijah’s personal assistant, washing his hands (2 Kings 3:11)?

The Bible says, “Whoever is faithful with very little will also be faithful with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. So, if you have not been faithful with worldly wealth, who will entrust you with true riches?” (Luke 16:10-11). God bless you!

D.L. Moody Quotes on Doing Small Things (English)
D.L. Moody Quotes on Doing Small Things (Tamil)

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