PEACE has gone into pieces in many individuals and families. A lot of time, we suffer with no peace. We see people with the lack of peace going into depression and even commit suicide. We may have all luxuries still feel the emptiness within.
Why did that happen? It’s because of worrying. Yes, human beings tend to worry so much for the things that may or may not happen.
A clinical psychologist says that, “About 85% of the things people worry about never happen.” We worry about food, clothing, possessions, job, lifestyle, future, life partner, children and the list goes on. There is no end to the list of worrying.
There is a tendency to worry about something in each stage of life. It becomes a nature slowly. There is no contentment instead there is resentment in our hearts about several things in life. Finding a solution to end our worrying is the key to gain peace in our life. And the good news is, we have the solution in the Bible.
Philippians 4:6,7 says, • “Don’t worry about anything;
• instead, pray about everything.
• Tell God what you need, and
• thank him for all he has done.
Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” The Bible commands us not to worry about anything. We can do that by telling God (through prayers and sometimes with tears too) everything we need and giving him thanks for all that he has done to us.
If we do that, God’s will fill us with his divine peace that surpasses all understanding and guard our hearts and minds throughout our life.
Can we stop worrying? Yes, we now know it’s possible.
Have a blessed day! God bless you!
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