Be Still and Trust God!

As a child of God, you are so special in this world. God always keeps an eye on you, no matter where you are. This is visible in the lives of the Israelites. Whether they were holy or sinful, slaves or owners, God was always looking out for them. He watched over them even when they were slaves. When the Israelites were slaves in Egypt and suffered oppression, brutality, and maltreatment, God made a difference between the Hebrew women & the Egyptian women.

            Despite the fact that the King ordered the midwives to kill all the male children, the King was informed that the Hebrew women were strong and gave birth without the midwives (Exodus 1:19). All of us know how painful giving birth is and how important it is to have at least a nurse or a midwife when someone gives birth. But for the Hebrew women, it was different. During their desperate need for help, God gave them the strength to endure the pain and also quickened the process.

            The entire world is desperate now for healing from diseases, peace from disasters, safety from danger, and help from helplessness. Some of us even question whether God is present? But, the journey of the Israelites and God’s protection in the midst of their oppression is a reminder for all of us that He’s there for us too! Psalms 46:1 says, “God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble.” Yes, He’s our healer (Isaiah 53:5), He’s the peace-giver (John 14:27), He’s our refuge (Psalms 27:5) and He’s our helper (Psalms 121:1).

            God’s not happy to watch us suffer. In Zechariah 2:8 God says, “Whoever touches you touches the pupil of my eye.” It hurts Him, whenever someone hurts you. You are so special to Him. He longs to talk to you, have a relationship with you and see you blessed and prosperous. He loves you so much. Trust in Him to get you through the storms you are in now.

            He promises us, “Be still and know that I AM GOD.” – Psalms 46:10. He was with the disciples when the storm hit their boat. He was with the Israelites when they were slaves and He’s with you no matter what. There is a reason for things to go in the opposite direction of your hopes and dreams. Just trust God and hold on to him and He will make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert (Isaiah 43:19).

            Nothing is impossible for Him (Matthew 19:26) and nothing is beyond His control. When God can give a baby to Sarah when she’s 90 years old, split a sea for the Israelites, shut the mouth of lions for Daniel, make a shepherd boy a King, make the sun stand still for Joshua and raised Lazarus from death, He can do everything for you. Just trust in Him!

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