We serve a God who is always ready to hear our prayers. He is waiting to hear us call and speak with Him. Isaiah says in Isaiah 65:24, “Before they call I will answer; while they are yet speaking I will hear.” In Matthew 6:8, Jesus says that He knows our every need even before we pray. But in the very next verse He says, “This is the way you ought to pray.” God is so eager to hear us speak with Him. When God created man and woman, we see Him coming in search of them in the cool of the day wanting to converse with them. But we see them running away and hiding from him. This is what is going on even today. In Genesis 15, we see God appearing to Abraham in a vision and Abraham asks God what He would give him, for he did not have a child. In the vision God took him by his hands out of his tent, showed him the stars and said that his generation would be like the stars. The first ever literal prayer recorded in the Bible is in Genesis 18 where God comes in search of Abraham at the plains of Mamre, relishes his service and walks with Abraham telling him how He is going to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, and we see Abraham pleading with God not to destroy it. This is the sort of prayer that God longs for.

Hearer of Prayer!
God Always Hears us

The moment that Daniel began to pray, a command was given (Daniel 9:23). God actually waits to be gracious to us and rises to show His compassion (Isaiah 30:18). He is called the God who hears prayer and all flesh would come to Him (Psalm 65:2). His house shall be called of all nation as the house of prayer.

God waits to Hear us Pray
God is Eager to talk with us

He will answer in His own time, in our unexpected time. As Paul and Silas were praying and singing in the prison, there was a sudden strong earthquake which opened all the gates of the prison (Acts 16:25-26). He hears our every word. We know that man is accountable for every word that he speaks even with other fellow men. Will not He hear what we speak to Him?

All our longings are before Him and He hears our every sigh (Psalm 38:9). He hears even our groanings and remembers His covenant (Exodus 2:24).

The LORD is near to all who call on Him, to all who call out to Him in truth. (Psalm 145:18). He is far away from the wicked but He hears the prayers of the righteous (Proverbs 15:29).

God Hears our Sigh
God Hears our Groanings

His ears are carefully inclined to the prayers of the righteous and His eyes are fixed on us (1 Peter 3:12). All we have to do is to say to God like Jesus said, “Father, I thank You that You have heard Me. I knew that You always hear Me” (John 11:41-42). Let’s keep praising God for He has surely heard and attended the sound of our prayers. He has not rejected our prayer nor withheld His grace from us (Psalm 66:19-20).

Always Ready to Hear – Video in English
Always Ready to Hear – Video in Tamil
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Aline Stanley

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