It can kill or revive! Choice is ours!

Words Matters!

Do I really pursue a life or do I hunt for death? Let every one of us ask ourselves this question today. Then we have to make a definite choice about the WORDS that we hear or say in our daily life. Yes, we live by what we say and by what we hear (Proverbs 18:21; Isaiah 55:3).

God created everything around us by His Word except man, whom He made with His own hands and breathed His life into him. The Scripture that we have in our hands holds the very same breath of God that was breathed into us  (2 Timothy 3:16). So any area of our life that seems to lose hope can be revived by the living Word of God (Psalm 119:25). Yes of course every Word of the Scripture is alive, for the WORD is GOD Himself (John 1:1; Revelation 19:13). If we have ever felt that God is not talking with us, we are lying to ourselves. Every day as we read and meditate the Word of God, the WORD speaks with us. In the Old Testament times, God spoke with men through prophets and other chosen men of God, but in these last days, He chose to speak with us through His Son, who Himself is the WORD of God (Hebrews 1:1-2). In order to prosper in whatever we do, we just need to delight and MEDITATE on the WORD of God (Psalm 1:1-3). But what is meditation according to the Scripture? It is not just sitting in silence just focusing as the world teaches us. It is actually speaking out the WORD day and night. The very Word of God that we seek to be blessed with should never depart from our mouth no matter what our circumstance is (Joshua 1:8).

On the other side the world (even people in our own house, workplace and sometimes even in the church) is filled with words that easily hurt and break a person (Proverbs 15:4), words that bring quarrels, words that can separate even intimate friends (Proverbs 16:28), words that stir up anger (Proverbs 15:1), words that take one into troubles (Proverbs 21:23), words that trap a man, words that totally ruin one’s life (Proverbs 18:7), words that can even take one to his grave (Psalm 5:9), words that pop up directly from the hell that can utterly pollute a man (James 3:6), words that can take a man to hell (Matthew 5:22) and much more.

But the good news is that we have all freedom to choose what words to listen, and what not to. Eve and Adam had the free-will to pin their ears either to God or Satan, the fruit of which they munched all along in their later years.

A good sheep should know to listen to his Master’s voice in order to live by it and also know to flee from the stranger’s voice in order to guard his life (John 10:4-5). Any word that does not coincide with the Word of God is definitely from the stranger – be it a news channel, health magazine, scientific data, or even a renowned preacher.

Let us therefore very carefully choose Life so that all may be well with us and our children (Deuteronomy 30:19). God bless you!

வீசாதே! வீசாதே! வீசாதே!
கண்டபடி வார்த்தைகளை வீசாதே!
வாயின் வார்த்தைகளை கவனமின்றி வீசாதே!
கடின வார்த்தையால் யாரையும் காயப்படுத்தாதே!
கல்லால் அடித்த காயம் ஆறிடுமே!
சொல்லால் பேசிய காயம் ஆறாதே!
அம்பு போன்ற வார்த்தைகளைப் பேசாதே!
இதயம் நொந்து போகும் மறந்திடாதே!
முகம் சுளித்து ஒருபோதும் பேசாதே!
பிறர் மனம் வாடிப் போகும் மறந்திடாதே!
மனதில் ஒன்று வாயில் ஒன்று பேசாதே!
படைத்தவர் மனதைப் பார்ப்பார் மறவாதே!
பேசிவிட்ட வார்த்தைக்கு அடிமையாவாய்
பேசாத வார்த்தை யாவும் உனக்கடிமை
அன்பு காட்டும் வார்த்தைகளைப் பேசிடுவோம்
ஆதரவாய் அனைவருக்கும் இருந்திடுவோம்
இரக்கமாக யாவரிடமும் நடந்திடுவோம்
உப்பாக ஒளியாக வாழ்ந்திடுவோம்.

– Daisy Robert

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