Just Relax, It’s your Real Strength

For the Egyptian shall help in vain, and to no purpose: therefore have I cried concerning this, Their strength is to sit still. Isaiah 30:7

To be anxious and to seek help apart from our loving heavenly Father, is actually our failure and it’s absolutely worthless and useless. It’s sin to make our plans devoid of God and to seek shelter elsewhere (Isaiah 30:1). For a child of God it will be shame and humiliation to seek protection and counsel excluding God (Isaiah 30:2,3). When we totally surrender us and our concerns to Him and just relax, God will save us out of our concerns. Our real strength is to stay calm, trusting entirely on Him for our every single step (Isaiah 30:15). The delay for answers to our prayers is our total yielding to His time and way of deliverance. He is actually waiting so long to show His grace to us and exalt us (Isaiah 30:18). Let’s just be cool and then we will be blessed for sure.


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Aline Stanley

Aline Wilson

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