Keep Calling Till You See Him Honor You

He will call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and honor him. Psalm 91:15

When we call upon the Most High God, He will answer us for sure, but in His own time and in His own ways. At times, He puts us into bottlenecks out of which we cannot rescue ourselves but totally surrender to Him and keep yelling on to Him until He bails us out in a least expected time and in His own style, that we can’t find words to magnify Him.

calling God
Furthermore, we are assured of His blessed presence amidst all our troubles, His startling deliverances and His unanticipated honor in the affair that we called Him for. Let our flesh, soul and spirit keep calling on Him until He brings about a successful conclusion.

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Aline Stanley

Aline Wilson

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