Know Your Image

As human beings, the first truth that we ought to know is that we are God’s own image. (Genesis 1:27)

God created us in His Own Likeness. He created us in such a way because He wants us to reflect Him thoroughly in our speech, action and lifestyle.

Our image is our identity. If we ourselves fail to know who we are, then no one else will know it. When God created us, He created us with a purpose. None of us on Earth is created without a purpose. If we are still alive, that means we have a purpose to fulfil. Ultimately, knowing that purpose will lead us to understand our identity in the space where we are living in.

Many of us fail to know our calling and miss to know who we are called to be. Our real image is left unknown and we mask ourselves with a false image. How pathetic it is!

Dear friend,

Are you in that state today?

Have you failed to know your real image?

Don’t fret. Here are a few guidelines to help you know who you really are:

  1. Believe that you’re created with a purpose.
  2. Get connected with God – the only One who knows your real image.
  3. Ask God to reveal your purpose (through prophecies, dreams, visions, true servants of God, Word of God).
  4. Never let Satan steal your image.

When God reveals you the purpose of your life, make it your own and start living with that real image and never settle for less with your thoughts and plans. (Isaiah 55:8,9)

We have a very good example from the Bible for this. In Genesis 37-50, we read about the life of a young man named Joseph whose purpose was revealed by God in a dream. But all his life situations were just the opposite to God’s revelation and are the strong ways to lead him towards deep discouragement, depression and disappointment. He was considered to be his brothers’ greatest foe, a slave and a prisoner with a very bad name. Those were the tools of the enemy to make him lose his real image.

But he never gave up. He just lifted up his spirit and did not give space for Satan to steal his image.

God honored his faithfulness towards him. At the right time, God lifted him high above and fulfilled his dream. Joseph’s spoiled image in the land of Egypt was just like a mirage that quickly vanished. But God sustained His real image forever. He was called to be a blessing and he became that blessing as promised in due time.

Dear friend, be encouraged today. You have a real image. You are the reflection of God. Change the perspective of how you see yourself with the help of God’s Word. There are so many promises in the Bible for you. Speak over you and your life and become the person whom God called you to be.

God bless!

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