Rivers of Living Water

“Whoever believes in Me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.” (John 7:38)

Rivers of living water

Water is a tasteless & odorless chemical compound which is vital for all living beings.

71% of the Earth’s surface is covered with water and upto 60% of the human body is water.

Therefore, water is one of the main sources for life.

The Bible says, rivers of living water will flow from us. This living water is not the same as the natural water because it gives life to the soul whereas the natural water nourishes just the body.

Someday, the natural water can be limited but never the living water.

Out of your heart…

So, where do rivers of living water flow from?

The other versions of John 7:38 quotes, “out of his heart….”

Rivers of living water flows from our heart.

In general, heart is as important as the water for living beings. If any body organ has stopped working, it can be treated or replaced but it is not the same with heart. 

God has chosen that substantial part of the body for the rivers of living water to gush out.

How amazing it is to know that our hearts pump out the rivers of living water as blood to our souls!

Whoever, believes in Me, as Scripture has said…

Whoever, yes, whoever you could be:

Righteous or unrighteousness,

Good or bad,

Faithful or unfaithful,

Patient or short-tempered,

Whole or broken,

Healthy or sick,

Kind or arrogant,

Wise or fool,

Successful or failure, etc.

If you believe in the one true God (Jesus Christ) not as the world says but as the Scripture (The Holy Bible) says, surely out from your heart will flow rivers of living water.

My kind answer to the one who thinks, “Why should I believe in Jesus as the Holy Bible (God’s own words) say?

Whether you attend an interview or visit a doctor, you want or expect them to believe in what you say about yourself, your strength and weakness, your problems, etc.

What if they don’t believe you?

Your life would be a disaster. 

It is the same in spiritual life.

Believe Jesus as the Scripture says and nourish your soul with the living water.

Here are some Scriptures about Jesus Christ:

John 14:6; 3:16; 1:1,3; 8:12

Acts 4:11,12

Hebrews 13:8

Isaiah 53:5;9:6

Revelation 22:13

For more Scriptures, please read the Holy Bible.

God bless you!

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