Revelation Revealed – Chapters 4 & 5
Heaven’s Throne Room The church being caught up to heaven by now, the 4th and 5th chapters of Revelation display the throne room scenario of heaven. As we learnt earlier that the book of...
Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power
Heaven’s Throne Room The church being caught up to heaven by now, the 4th and 5th chapters of Revelation display the throne room scenario of heaven. As we learnt earlier that the book of...
The Rapture or the Secret Coming of Jesus Christ No more church on earth The churches amidst which Jesus is envisioned by John in Revelation 1:13 and to which letters were written by John...
Introduction As the name of the book indicates, the last book of the Bible, “THE REVELATION” is a book that is already disclosed. * Revelation means ‘apokalupsis’ in Greek and ‘apocalypse’ in English, meaning...
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