Take a step further

Time waits for no one is a famous proverb. I fear that it will soon transition to “humans wait for no one” in this present world.Yes, we live in a highly-sophisticated universe and we are so convinced within our circle and often tend to keep ourselves compressed in our comfort zone. 

But it’s time to change.

Time has come to be the crowd that take a step further from their comfy zone. Believe it or not, it will shake the heart of God. 

In Matthew 14:13-21, we read about a crowd of people who shook Jesus’s heart.As soon as Jesus heard the sad news(the death of John the Baptist), he left to a place to be alone. But that place was no longer a solitary place as he desired because it was filled with thousands of people before he could step down.

The remarkable thing that touched my heart was that the people followed him by foot and reached the place before he could reach the same by boat. That made the difference.

Jesus saw those passionate people and had compassion on them and healed their sickness (met their needs). He didn’t stop with that, he further fed them miraculously and also blessed the people(disciples) who showed their concern towards them.”They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over.” (Matthew 14:20)

God sees our heart (1 Samuel 16:7) and he rewards it. Shake off your dust and rise up (Isaiah 52:2), dear friend. Take a step further and follow Christ. He will be compassionate upon you and meet all your needs. “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” (James 4:8)

Live a life that will shake God’s heart for you.

Live a blessed life and be a blessing.

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