Everything for good
God works everything for good

Tough times are for good;
They teach us the lessons for life,
The true friends and
The real pain.

Tough times are for good;
They shape us and mold us into who we are to become,
They open us the next door,
To enjoy the beauty from the ashes.

Tough times are for good;
But our focus and attitude matter the most!
When life hits hard,
Let’s focus on the light at the end of the tunnel,
With the positive attitude to let go of the present pain and let God work in our life.

Tough times are for good;
They reflect us who we are
And show us who God is!
In Him, there is always hope.

“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”
Romans 8:28 

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