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Triumphant Transportation – Church of the Almighty God

Triumphant Transportation

For you will go out with joy And be led forth with peace; The mountains and the hills will break forth into shouts of joy before you, And all the trees of the field will clap their hands. Isaiah 55:12

When the time of the Lord is come to fulfill His promises in us (Isaiah 55:11), our transportation to the next higher level will be a jubilant exultation that includes not only elation of our spirits, but also the exuberant rejoicing of our loved ones and even all the nature that surrounds us. We can least imagine what He has in store for us. But, whatever He has promised is on the way towards us to bless us, thereby causing us to jump for joy and fall on our knees to exult His praises.



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Aline Stanley

Aline Wilson

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1 Response

  1. evang alex says:

    I’m in love with your work here. Keep it up. Stay Blessed in the most high God.

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