Trust and Obey

I believe that a Christian’s life can be summarized with the old hymn, “Trust and obey, for there’s no other way, to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey”. Yes, that is what we are expected to do. But most of us spend our time worrying/ thinking about the outcome of our trust and obedience. Think of a baby that’s happy to be thrown into the air by its parents since it trusts them. Likewise, are we trusting God? Let’s test ourselves! Right now, we are in thin air, with nothing to hold on to in this world. It seems like there’s no one to rescue us from the dangers of this world. Are we happy, laughing like a child in the air because we are trusting Christ to catch us when we fall? Examine yourselves.

            I have experienced the hand of God in so many areas of my life. But, I used to trust God in my weaknesses but not in my strengths. In my school and college days, math is the subject I fear the most. I learned to trust God for math during school and tasted it in my college. Whenever I have university exams I trust God for wisdom and knowledge. I used to tell my mom that it is Him who’s writing the exam and not me. I ended up being a university rank holder in engineering (which I hated). When I completed school, engineering was not at all in the list of choices I gave my parents. But, that was what they chose, which I believe is God’s will for my life. We all face choices we never make and situations we never desired. Do we still trust God there? Or do we doubt Him? Or do we distrust Him? Do we still trust God even when our tiny brain says that the outcome will be disastrous? Do you trust God in the storm?

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. – Proverbs 3:5”

            We all face trials and temptations in life. Are we ready to go against our knowledge and obey God? Like Daniel who stepped into lion’s den without a clue that God will send His angels to tie the mouths of lions? Based on our ability, all of us are required to trust and obey God in both our ups and downs.

“If you love me, obey my commandments. – John 14:15”

            Let’s take it as a challenge to practice trusting and obeying God in little things in our lives this month.

  • List your strengths and weaknesses. (at least 30 for 30 days)
  • Pray with trust in God to take full control of your strength and weakness each day. Use Bible verses wherever possible. (For example, if I have to speak up at work today, I’ll pray and surrender my mouth to God and for His Holy Spirit to fill my mouth with wisdom and knowledge. I use the verse, “Now therefore go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall speak. – Exodus 4:12” to pray.)
  • Let God work. Don’t worry or even care about the outcome. (When you are confident that you gave full control to God and that it was Him who spoke and not you, whether it was successful or not, be confident that “All things work together for good, to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. – Romans 8:28”).
  • Trust & Obey. That’s it. No more processing is needed from your side. Let God work. Let Him do what’s best for you.
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