Useful apps to enhance your spiritual life

Apps that enhance

your spiritual life

These are some interesting set of apps for a christian to boost his / her spiritual life. The recent trends in the smart and connected world has made a tremendous change in the way we live. Our gracious God has chosen people from this generation to serve with the technology to create bible apps, bible study apps, bible concordance apps, bible story apps, sermon apps, etc. May God bless those developers according to His riches in the heaven and enable them to serve more.

Use these apps with reverence

Those these apps are virtual mediums, use them with reverence in your heart as it deals with the word of God. The words of Sacred Scripture are unlike any other texts we will ever hear, for they not only give us information, they are the vehicle God uses to reveal himself to us. Hearing an audio bible in background and browsing on social media or news apps is an ungodly behavior. Keep your focus and eagerly wait for God to reveal himself.

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness

Romans 1:18

Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth. But avoid worldly and empty chatter, for it will lead to further ungodliness

II Timothy 2:15-16

To know more, Reverence Necessary In Learning The Word of God

These apps are not a replacement for your printed Bible

These apps help as quick reference from your pocket, a best companion during your travel. However, we recommend you to use these apps only for enhancing your spiritual life and not as a replacement of your printed Bible. Though your phone or tablet has a wonderful Bible app, it also has many other distractions. Even the very simple features such as phone calls, notifications, messages, reminders, even clock, diverts your focus away from God.

Technology can be a great asset to our walk with the Lord – but if it replaces the very basics of all that we are as Christians, it will only be the first step that takes us further and further from the Cross and more and more into the World. Please carry your printed Bible to church.


Web, Android, iOS | Free

Read the bible, bookmark and take notes, compare different versions, hear audio bible, subscribe to reading plans, daily devotions, prayers, share verses and verse images, available offline.

  • Available in more than 900 languages worldwide
  • Contains over 1000 Bible versions
  • Installed on over 430 million devices

Daily Audio Bible

Daily Audio Bible
Web, Android, iOS | Free

The Bible. Read fresh daily. Among friends. This isn’t just your basic listen along. The Daily Audio Bible is a global community of friends on the adventure of a lifetime—a quest to traverse the entire Bible in a year together. Give it a week. It might be the next right move in your life.

  • Internet radio with fresh audio content published everyday
  • Listen and read multiple chapters every day
  • Prayer wall to post prayer request and pray together

Bible study app

And Bible Open Source Project
Android | Free

Bibles, Commentaries, Theological Dictionaries, Maps, and Christian books.

  • Available with 40 English Bible versions
  • Contains 29 Bible commentaries
  • Word-wise concordance and references

Bible app for kids

Android, iOS | Free

Bible stories for kids, kid friendly navigation, read along with audio, animated content, interactive activities and much more.

  • Available in more than 55 languages worldwide
  • Installed on over 45 million devices

Superbook Kids Bible

Christian Broadcasting Network
Android, iOS | Free

Biblical answers to hundreds of questions that are common to children, videos and interactive content embedded within the Bible and includes profiles of people, places and artifacts found in the Bible.

  • Media-rich experience for kids
  • More than 20 fun games
  • 26 full-length episodes
  • Daily games and quests

TWR India Media

TWR India
Android, iOS | Free

Systematic verse by verse audio bible study programs on the go! With programs in multiple languages and new programs added every week, you will always find something for you!

  • Audio programs in more than 120 Indian languages
  • Live radio in selected languages
  • Bible study, Children’s program, Women’s program and songs
  • Video programs in selected languages

Support the developers

Though most of these apps are provided for free, they are supported by generous donations from users like you. Please support those developers if you find these apps useful. This will enable them to serve more and help in building the kingdom of God.

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