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Waiting for God’s Return – Church of the Almighty God

Waiting for God’s Return

Waiting is not at all an easy job. We are put to wait wantedly or unwantedly in many circumstances of our life. Whether it may be in an airport or in a coffee shop, waiting makes us tired and hopeless. The Bible itself says,”Hope deferred makes the heart sick” (Proverbs 13:12). In other words, the delay can be depressing. When something delays, we are forced to wait. It can be an exam result, finding the right life partner, the blessing of the womb and so on.

Keeping all these apart, we are called to wait persistently for one thing in our Christian Faith. That is, for the coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We are living in the end times and Jesus is going to come soon. We are the citizens of Heaven (Philippians 3:20) and we will never be put to shame as we wait for Him (Isaiah 49:23, Psalms 25:3).
The parable of ten virgins (Matthew 25:1-13) reminds us to wait for Him as a bride (Revelation 19:7) who makes herself ready for the bridegroom. I remember myself waiting for my “big day” which happened four years ago. We had about 6 months for our wedding preparation and as each month passed by, my heart rejoiced over that big day and I started counting days to say “Yes, I do” and become the wife of that one man whom God has created and chosen for me among 7.8 billion people in the world.

Like a bride, are we excitingly waiting for the wedding of the Lamb of God?

Come on bride! Get excited, be quick (Luke 12:36), be quiet (Lamentations 3:26), be patient and stand firm (James 5:7-8), have faith (Galatians 5:5), be strengthened (Isaiah 40:31) and possess spiritual gift (1 Corinthians 1:7) as you wait and prepare yourself as a bride to the eternal bridegroom who rejoices over you (Isaiah 62:5).

God Bless You!

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1 Response

  1. Christine says:

    A real exciting reminder ☺️. God bless.

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