With You Now And Forever

I am with you! I will protect you wherever you go and will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I promised you! Genesis 28:15

God promises us His accompaniment and protection wherever we go because He has a definite purpose for our life. He desperately needs us to fulfill His assignments through us. But, what a bliss it would be if we tell God, “I will come with you wherever you want me to go and stay calm and comfortable in whatever situation I am in, for you are with me.” Your companionship is more than anything for me. I don’t care what happens, for every single incident of my life, whether it be a victory or an utter failure, you are in control of it.” He who knows our end even before we began our life on earth promises to be with us (Isaiah 46:10). What more do we need? Let’s never feel deserted or lonely because it will greatly hurt our Heavenly Friend, who is always there with us and always for us, never against us, though situations may seem so. Even our death is not going to part Him away from us. God bless you!

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Aline Stanley

Aline Wilson

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